Load Testing using JMeter [Regular Expression, CLI execution & HTML reports]
In this article, let’s see how to create a JMeter test plan using Regular Expression Extractor to extract all links and validate response, command-line execution to reduce resource usage & generate detailed HTML reports [Best Practises].
1. Regular Expression Extractor:
When comes to load test a web application, sometimes we face a requirement to extract all links and validate the response. Regular Expression Extractor is a useful feature comes with JMeter to overcome it.
Usage of Regular Expression Extractor (REE):
- To check the load test on all links. Ex:
- To find broken links from the application.
- To extract information to a variable and use later. ex: CSRF/XSRF
- etc.,
Note: In this article, Regular Expression Extractor has been used in the short form as REE.
Test Plan:
To create a basic test plan please refer to below article https://medium.com/@Alibaba_Cloud/performance-testing-using-apache-jmeter-d136c6011b0e
For the demo purpose, I have used the Mercury Tours site http://newtours.demoaut.com/mercurywelcome.php

- Add Regular Expression Extractor:
After setup the basic test plan from the above article, add REE by following below steps:
a. Go to Thread Group
b. Add HTTP Request sampler
c. Add REE from Post Processors

After add REE, add below config to it:
Name of created variable = inputVarRegular Expression: <a href="([^"]+)"Template: $1$Match No: -1Default value: fout
Template: choose the group you would like to extract from the regular expression. ‘$1$’ will extract group 1, ‘$2$’ will extract group 2, and so on. $0$ will extract the entire expression. For example, if you have the word “economics” in your response and you search for the regular expression “(ec)(onomics)” and apply template $2$$1$, then in the output variable you will receive “onomicsec”. If you apply template $0$, then in the output variable you will receive “economics”.
Match: If there is several character sequences, allows specifying, which variant exactly should be used. Important note. If you set “Apply to” to “Main sample and sub-samples” and specify “Match ¹” = 3, than JMeter will select matching sequence from the 2nd sub-sample because 1st will be main sample. If zero is specified, JMeter will choose a match at random. If you specify negative number, e.g. “-2”
2. Add ForEach Controller:
After setup the regular expression config, add ForEach controller by following below steps:
a. Go to Thread Group
b. Add ForEach Controller
c. Add below config

After complete the above setup, execute the test plan and validate the results in View Results Tree
listener. All the links from Mercury tours site http://newtours.demoaut.com / was extracted and load tested and any broken links will be captured as the screenshot below.

2. CLI Execution:
One of the JMeter best practices is to execute all load tests using command line for better results and to minimize the CPU usage.
Note: Don’t use GUI mode for load testing !, only for Test creation and Test debugging.
For load testing, use CLI Mode always:
ex: jmeter -n -t [jmx file] -l [results file] -e -o [Path to web report folder]
a. Change directory to JMeter bin folder in cmd-line/Terminal
cd /Users/xxxxxxxxx/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/bin
b. Execute cmd: enter the location path of testplan.jmx file
For mac:
./jmeter.sh -n -t /Users/testplan.jmx -l log.jtl
For Windows:
jmeter -n -t /Users/testplan.jmx -l log.jtl
c. After execution completed, to generate reports execute —
For mac:
./jmeter.sh -g /Users/xxxxxx/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/log.jtl -o /Users/xxxxxx/jmeter/reports
For Windows:
jmeter -g /Users/xxxxxx/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/log.jtl -o /Users/xxxxxx/jmeter/reports

HTML reports will be generated in the reports folder. If reports already exist in reports folder then need to delete and execute cmd.
- n: It specifies jmter to run in non-gui mode
-t: Name of JMX file that contains the test plan
-l: Name of JTL (jmeter text logs) file to log results
-g: Name of jmeter run log file
-o: Output file
3. Sample HTML Reports:
HTML reports will be generated to the reports folder as per given reports folder location:
jmeter -g /Users/xxxxxx/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/log.jtl -o /Users/xxxxxx/jmeter/reports

By using Regular Expression Extractor we can extract all links of dynamic websites such as blogs, news portals, social networks & e-commerce to validate the load testing response. And Command-line execution is one of the JMeter best practices to execute load testing on the terminal to reduce resource usage & generate reports.
Happy learning!!!
Reference links: